Monday Meal Planning

One of the things I do to save a little money and time throughout the week is do all of my meal planning and grocery shopping on the weekend. It does take some time and I find myself falling into a meal rut almost every weekend and look anywhere to find a new recipe. Luckily this last week I was lucky enough to get my new Family Fun magazine on Friday and it had a bunch of really yummy crock pot meals!  I just had to share by far my favorite new crock pot recipe I got from the magazine.  Super easy to set up the night before so all I had to do was turn the crock pot on in the morning and then come home to a hot meal (I hate doing the prep in the morning).

Korean Soft Tacos

If you like any type of taco you will love these.  They are sweet and spicy and the added cabbage gives it a nice crunch!

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Since I have a toddler it’s also important that I can adapt a meal for toddler fingers and something she won’t turn up her nose to.  This is great because I can easily turn it into a quesadilla for her for dinner and then it easily packs for a yummy lunch.

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On a side note, I’m still in love with Eva’s Nibble Tray, it makes packing lunch so much easier!

For the rest of the week we have some other new recipes I can’t wait to try out along with some oldies:

Have a great week!





Has it really been over a year!?!

Has it really been a year and a half!  This blog has always been in the back of my mind but somehow life continues to get in the way.  Lately I feel like I have a little more time to myself again (although I tend to use it to relax with a glass of wine instead of blogging).  My goal this year is to blog more and capture more of my life in this way.

A lot has happened over the last year, first and foremost  my baby is no longer a baby 😦  In a blink of an eye my little baby turned into a girl.


She is the best, sassiest thing to ever happen to me and she amazes me every day.

We also have moved up in the world and sold our split level and moved a town over in a Salt Box Colonial which we love!  It’s on the country rustic side and in a small town making us feel like we moved back to VT.


I miss my home I grew up in a little less here and feel like we can really build some roots and make a home that our daughter will feel connected to.  The best part is how happy Mort has been to get back on a fire department where he can actually do something!


I’ll continue to try to update on a lot of other big things happening.  2014 is going to be a big year!